My Baby Doll/ Ønskebarnet (DK)
A woman deeply wishes a baby the natural way.
Stine Sofie Ankerbo and Liv Øster Müller Bendtsen
Ulvetime/Lunacy (DK)
Waking up at night not being able to sleep again. The title refers to the time between 2 an 3 am. When most people wake op at night.
Cecilia Westerberg
Telephonecall on open street in the middle of traffic in Kowloon, Honk Kong.
Steen Møller Rasmussen
Foodchain (DK/TCH)
Object versus object, the strongest will survive in this absurdist web of life.
Lys Egholm og Lena Rudnick
Empired (DK)
This young couple is tuned in-but are they turned on? and if they are – to what exactly?
Lennard Grahn
Vandpytten / The Water Puddle (DK)
The struggling attempt to cross a big and annoying water puddle..
Thomas Høst
En Ny Verden / A new World (DK)
Dream and reality, a girl going from childhood to being a teenager through meeting first love.
Meeto Worre Kronborg Grevsen
Formålet med festivalen er, at promovere unge filmtalenter for et bredt publikum. Filmfestivalen 60 seconds er en åben konkurrence, der henvender sig til alle filminstruktører og filmentusiaster både i Danmark og udlandet. Emnet og stilen er frit.