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Deltag i kortfilmfestival

Kortfilm-konkurrencen 60seconds

Audience Award 2009


Short study of six homosexual boys bathing.

Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen

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Muren - Bevægelsen / The wall - movementMuren / The wall (DK)

Lures the viewer into a dream like state.

Anders Malmberg

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Sáo Carlos Opera HouseSáo Carlos Opera House (PT)

Body to the space performance.

Carlos Noronha Feio

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Untitled # 2Untitled # 2 (DK)

Five naked persons i dancing.

Torben Kjærgaard

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Turn it op loud (DK.)

A soundless rythm through film, animation, and text.

Heine Bo

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UntitledMy Baby Doll/ Ønskebarnet (DK)

A woman deeply wishes a baby the natural way.

Stine Sofie Ankerbo and Liv Øster Müller Bendtsen

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Ulvetime / LunacyUlvetime/Lunacy (DK)

Waking up at night not being able to sleep again. The title refers to the time between 2 an 3 am. When most people wake op at night.

Cecilia Westerberg

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UntitledUntitled (DK)

Altheimer makes several attempts at crying..

Thomas Altheimer

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Hong Kong telefon pige / Telephone girlHong Kong Telephone girl (DK)

Telephonecall on open street in the middle of traffic in Kowloon, Honk Kong.

Steen Møller Rasmussen

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Twin SpinTwin Spin (SE)

To twins spinning around i a pole in a train.

Rasmus Albertsen

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The StripThe Strip (DK)

People crossing a street.

Ole Schwander

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OptionsOptions (DK)

Fotage from familyalbum - consequences of choices...

Anders Bandtler

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No thanks I am not hungryNo thanks I am not hungry (GR)

Petros is more hungry than he thought.

Lea Binzer

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To Mursten / two bricksTo Mursten / two bricks (DK)

Thoughts towards time.

Anders Malmberg

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Something ElseSomething Else (PT)

Towards him.

Goncalo Robalo

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My secret ShameMy secret Shame (DK)

You can´t allways get what you want.

Frank Molino

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End of beginnigEnd of beginnig (DK)

This is the end of the beginning.

Alexander Häggström

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Dancing QueenDancing Queen (DK)

Dancing anytime anywhere.

Pernelle Maegaard and Nina M. Kleivan

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FoodchainFoodchain (DK/TCH)

Object versus object, the strongest will survive in this absurdist web of life.

Lys Egholm og Lena Rudnick

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AcuariumAcuarium (PR)

A garden and almost an still picture.

André Uerba

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EmpiredEmpired (DK)

This young couple is tuned in-but are they turned on? and if they are – to what exactly?

Lennard Grahn

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Vandpytten / The Water PuddleVandpytten / The Water Puddle (DK)

The struggling attempt to cross a big and annoying water puddle..

Thomas Høst

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En Ny Verden / A new WorldEn Ny Verden / A new World (DK)

Dream and reality, a girl going from childhood to being a teenager through meeting first love.

Meeto Worre Kronborg Grevsen

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AntirunAntirun (DK)

In a concrete room that doesen´t exist.

Troels Wahlgreen and Chirstian Dresler

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RefleksionRefleksion (DK)

Experimenting with a face.

Uffe Boesen

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Formålet med festivalen er, at promovere unge filmtalenter for et bredt publikum. Filmfestivalen 60 seconds er en åben konkurrence, der henvender sig til alle filminstruktører og filmentusiaster både i Danmark og udlandet. Emnet og stilen er frit.